Spruce Black Wormwood Stalk, 70 G


It is used for various digestive problems such as loss of appetite, upset stomach, gallbladder diseases and intestinal cramps. Wormwood is also used to treat fever, liver disease, depression, muscle aches, memory loss. It is also used for parasitism and infections with worms and all kinds of parasites; to increase sexual desire; as a tonic; and to stimulate sweating.

Method of preparation:

1 teaspoon of stalks is poured with 200 ml of boiling water after standing for 2 hours filtered. The resulting liquid is drunk in 100 ml before lunch and dinner.


Avoid use in women during the first trimester of pregnancy due to potential teratogenicity (may lead to fetal malformations). Avoid use during pregnancy and lactation due to lack of research. Artemisinin derivatives in the form of drugs have a toxic effect on embryos, but no malformations have been described in animal studies.


In case of overdose of wild wormwood extracts, severe intoxications can be observed, sometimes fatal. It is recommended that wild wormwood not be used for peptic ulcer disease.


Chemical composition: 

Latin name - Artemisa vulgaris L.

The drug and its preparations contain essential oil, vitamin C, bitter substances - absinthe, artemisetin; tannins, carotene, lactones, sugars and others.

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